XF 1.5 Daily/Weekly/Monthly Statistics Not Showing


Searched the forums relentlessly before posting here ... only solution I found was to try and 'Rebuild Daily Statistic Caches' ... didn't work.

When I try to use ACP > Tools > Statistics, nothing is showing up as results. We have over 110,000 forum posts and such, but I get no results no matter what date range I use. I don't even get the black graph, I just get a plain white empty field. Trying to pull the website statistics for our year end newsletter.

Thanks for any help you can offer. Screenshot provided of results page ...

It looks to me like you have an add-on that's trying to load a colorpicker and its files are missing, which is causing the embedded JS to error. You'll need to disable that add-on.
It looks to me like you have an add-on that's trying to load a colorpicker and its files are missing, which is causing the embedded JS to error. You'll need to disable that add-on.

Thanks Mike, that worked! I'm not sure which add-on is was, as I have a lot of them ... so I took the board down, disabled them all, pulled my stats and then enabled them all back again and activated the board. Worked perfectly. Thank you again for taking the time. Much appreciated.
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