XF 2.1 Customizing User Post Info

I think my terminology is wrong so that could be why I can't find an answer. I want to add Trophy information with the User profile block when someone posts. Attached is a screenshot of the area I am referring to. So below the User Title, I would like to show their Trophy Point Values. Similar to when you click on a members name and it says "Points". I would like that under user title.

Thanks!!Screen Shot 2019-11-17 at 12.42.19 PM.webp
No worries, over the years, I assume I posted the same information at least 10 times I guess. That one is hidden in style options rather than in the normal options. So many people look for that one, all good.
Maybe you can help with one more thing! So I made the change for the above as discussed, is there a way to add that same field to the user profile itself? Again, I can't seem to find the right things to edit to make this happen. bleh!

Screen Shot 2019-11-18 at 10.17.54 AM.webp
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