XF 1.5 Customizing Category and Parent Forum Layout

I'm not sure if this is the right place for this so if it needs to be moved, that's fine.

Basically all I want is for my Category pages and Parent Forum pages to look pretty much exactly like the Main index page, including having a sidebar. The only difference I want is that Category and Parent forums need a Title and have breadcrumbs.

Is there an easy (or easyish) way to do this?

This is the main forum page... which should actually be community, but that's beside the point:
As you can see, the main content area has no background and all of the nodes are in nice little boxes.

These are a category page and a child forum list page:

The main content area has a background, which leaves the previously nice little node boxes very unattractive.
I either need to figure out how to copy the layout of the index page or... I have no idea what as this is a completely new design environment for me.
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