XF 2.1 Customing XF Main Menus

Steve Freides

Active member
Could someone tell me if this is possible, and if so, if it's doable within the ACP or if it's a project for our developer?

The What's New contains quite a few things we've long lived without, and some of our higher-ups prefer the old approach. To that end, I might like to do something like remove What's New from the main menu, or remove some of the choices that are under What's New.

Again, is this possible and if so, where in the ACP or is it for a developer?

Many thanks in advance for your replies.

You can either disable it entirely or whatever falls under the What's new menu to whatever you like.

ACP> Setup >Public navigation
Thanks very much, @ALMUSA.

I assume all these things were added because people requested them, but I would love to know more about why, e.g., are these menu choices more focused on mobile device users than desktop? And perhaps the thing I'm most curious about: are most XF 2 installations keeping them all enabled, or is the idea here that we've been given many new choices and it's expected that not everyone will enable all of them?

Thanks again to everyone in advance for sharing their thoughts and experiences on this. Note that we only just switched to version 2, perhaps 2 weeks ago, so it's all new to us.

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