Custom login page in XenForo test board thing.


New member
I've been playing around with XenForo's test version? To see if it can do what I want from it before I purchase a license to build my own forum.

I have so far been able to do everything I want except two things and I can't find out how no matter what I do.

The forum node is set to OFF for guests, but the "Recent Posts" still appear under the logo for guests, which I want to remove, for guests only. When I hover it the link says find-new/posts or something similar.

As well as this icon above the ERROR_with login screen:


That's the home icon, is there a way to remove that icon and the "recent posts" from guests in the demo, or on the licensed version at all?
That's the home icon, is there a way to remove that icon and the "recent posts" from guests in the demo, or on the licensed version at all?
I'm curious about that home icon as that's not part of the out of the box look.

In terms of removing the link for guests, it would be possible with a template edit. Note that guests won't be able to use the link to see anything if you've set permissions to block them, so it's not a way around your permissions.
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