CSS Style Not Rendering?


Well-known member
I've been digging through the forums for the last few hours and can't find anything. Anyone have an idea why my CSS style simply doesn't render sometimes? I get this output... and it's annoying the pants off of me.


  • Capture - XF issues.webp
    Capture - XF issues.webp
    21 KB · Views: 147
I know more about CF than I'd like due to dealing with a number of its issues, but I've managed to get it working to the point where it wasn't interfering with anything in over 6 months, so it'd be nice to know whether the problem is

a) CF not working with Chrome all of a sudden for some reason
b) Chrome not working with CF (has a new version been released recently perhaps?)
c) XF 1.1.5 introducing something that makes CF not work with it on Chrome only
d) other

But in this chicken/egg scenario getting to the bottom of it unless more people chime in with their setups is wishful thinking and CF's support is usually not very helpful.

Ah well, temporarily off now and we'll see. Might be time to check out Incapsula...
I'm also experiencing this behavior and I'm not using any CDN service whatsoever. This happens since the 1.1.5 upgrade and it's a Chrome issue. If I disable "Use Full Friendly URL", the issue goes away.

EDIT: Nevermind. Disabling "Use Full Friendly URL" didn't help.
I'm also experiencing this behavior and I'm not using any CDN service whatsoever. This happens since the 1.1.5 upgrade and it's a Chrome issue. If I disable "Use Full Friendly URL", the issue goes away.

Interesting... Chrome is all I use (and I've been on 1.1.5 since release) and have no problems - and I'm logged into my forum 24/7. I use a Mac, so Chrome on it may be different. I'll start playing with the Windows 8 laptop to see if I have any problems with it.
Can you reproduce it here?

There was an issue with this in the past that manifested itself in the same way, and it was down to Chrome ignoring the <base> tag on refresh, so some JS was added to sort that out.

I have seen it once or twice on the example boards but never here. Unfortunately, as soon as I try to debug it, I stop being able to reproduce it.

We've narrowed it down to be reproducible in Chrome, particularly when you refresh the page. It often loads fine to start, but refreshing breaks it.

I just got the blank white page.. but looking at the page source it shows
    <title>Canyon Collective</title>
    <noscript><style>.JsOnly { display: none !important; }</style></noscript>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="css.php?css=xenforo,form,public&amp;style=7&amp;dir=LTR&amp;d=1369834688" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="css.php?css=AdvBBcodeBar_TinyMCE,AdvBBcodeBar_css_normal,EWRblock_RawHyperText,EWRblock_RecentSlider,EWRblock_RecentThreads,EWRporta,Gritter,GritterEXTRA,Picasa_BBcode,bb_code_button,bbcm_js,dark_azucloud,discussion_list,facebook,login_bar,nflj_showcase_node_list_items,node_category,node_forum,node_link,node_list,rating,sidebar_share_page,waindigo_last_post_avatar&amp;style=7&amp;dir=LTR&amp;d=1369834688" />
and when you click on the last link of stylesheet href it shows (this is a small snippet)
/* --- EWRporta.css --- */
.btmRightBlocks { float: none; width: auto; }
.btmLeftBlocks { float: left; }
.topRightBlocks .section:first-child,
.midRightBlocks .section:first-child,
.btmRightBlocks .section:first-child,
.topLeftBlocks .section:first-child,
.midLeftBlocks .section:first-child,
.btmLeftBlocks .section:first-child { margin-top: 0px; }
/* clearfix */ .topRightBlocks { zoom: 1; } .topRightBlocks:after { content: '.'; display: block; height: 0; clear: both; visibility: hidden; }
/* clearfix */ .midRightBlocks { zoom: 1; } .midRightBlocks:after { content: '.'; display: block; height: 0; clear: both; visibility: hidden; }
/* clearfix */ .btmRightBlocks { zoom: 1; } .btmRightBlocks:after { content: '.'; display: block; height: 0; clear: both; visibility: hidden; }
.centerShift { margin-left: 260px; }
.articleCategories li { display: inline-block; width: 49%; }
.EWRporta_ArticleView .categorySummary
    padding: 5px;
margin-top: 10px;
border: 1px solid rgb(225, 225, 225);
border-radius: 5px; -webkit-border-radius: 5px; -moz-border-radius: 5px; -khtml-border-radius: 5px;
    margin-top: -10px;
    margin-bottom: 15px;
.EWRporta_ArticleView .categorySummary .categoryEdit { float: right; }
.EWRporta_ArticleView .categorySummary ul { display: inline; }
.EWRporta_ArticleView .categorySummary li { display: inline; }
.EWRporta_ArticleView .categorySummary li::after { content: ','; }
.EWRporta_ArticleView .categorySummary li:last-child::after { content: ''; }
.EWRporta_ArticleView .messageArticle .messageAuthor { padding-bottom: 10px; }
.EWRporta_ArticleView .messageArticle .messageAuthor .avatar { float: left; }
.EWRporta_ArticleView .messageArticle .messageAuthor .messageInfo { margin-left: 65px; padding-top: 30px; }
.EWRporta_ArticleView .messageArticle .messageAuthor .shareControl { float: right; padding-top: 25px; }
/* clearfix */ .EWRporta_ArticleView .messageArticle .messageAuthor { zoom: 1; } .EWRporta_ArticleView .messageArticle .messageAuthor:after { content: '.'; display: block; height: 0; clear: both; visibility: hidden; }
so it appears to be seeing it.. just Chrome not rendering it for some reason.
Doing a quick google search turned up this http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15378745/google-chrome-not-rendering-page-correctly and
The issue appears to be described here:

Looking at canyoncollective.com, the 304 response is returning a Content-Type of text/html from the server. This should not be happening (it's against the spec). It looks like the web server itself is adding it. This would need to be disabled in the web server; nothing we can really do to prevent it (without violating the spec ourselves).
The issue appears to be described here:

Looking at canyoncollective.com, the 304 response is returning a Content-Type of text/html from the server. This should not be happening (it's against the spec). It looks like the web server itself is adding it. This would need to be disabled in the web server; nothing we can really do to prevent it (without violating the spec ourselves).

That's hosted by us. I'm unsure though why it would be returning the Content-Type of text/html.
I tried debugging this.
But this problem is nothing to do with cloudflare.
Nothing to do with caching.

My guess is, this is server specific problem.
Php version i think.

My forum's xenforo default style also suffering this.
I will replicate my forum in another server with different specs to test what is really causing this.

For those who want to re-produce, visit my forum then press "Ctrl+R" (Reload) as many times as you want then it will give you a broken page.
There was a bug in 1.1.4 that would've prevented it simply because it never actually sent 304s. It was in 1.1.3 though and it has been reported in the past.

When I debugged it, a text/html content type was added to the response headers. This would be coming from the web server or some other proxy between as XF doesn't put them out in the CSS request.
There was a bug in 1.1.4 that would've prevented it simply because it never actually sent 304s. It was in 1.1.3 though and it has been reported in the past.

When I debugged it, a text/html content type was added to the response headers. This would be coming from the web server or some other proxy between as XF doesn't put them out in the CSS request.

Even if not using Cloudflare also encounter this problem.
Even a default style on my side (Some says they don't encounter on default XenForo Style with no customization)
Well that makes me feel better that it isn't just us. Litespeed insists that it is xF coding.

If it was XF, then odds are I would be having problems also. I run numerous add-ons (have reduced them in preparation for 1.2's release) but have never noticed the problem myself on mine either from my Mac, my Windows 8 box, my Windows 7 box, my Ubuntu box or my Debian box. I HAVE noticed it on the sites reporting problems here on the first 3 OS's I listed using FF/Chrome.
@Mike may want to visit this to see if there is something changed in the css renderer?
I'm also suffering this problem since 1.1.5 upgrade.
Same here. I've never encountered this issue in 1.1.4. Right now I simply told people don't press F5 on chrome. Maybe I should do a test using a clean 1.1.4 and clean 1.1.5 and see if I can reproduce the results.

Well that makes me feel better that it isn't just us. Litespeed insists that it is xF coding.

I'm also on LiteSpeed.
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With all these threads with the same issue, I'm not sure which to post in.

...Maybe I should do a test using a clean 1.1.4 and clean 1.1.5 and see if I can reproduce the results...

I just did a clean 1.1.4 and 1.1.5 install.
1.1.4 did not have the refresh issue, 1.1.5 did have the refresh issue.

Also, the problem is not exclusive to chrome, it happens in other browsers too. I've tested my site and other people's sites with Firefox and IE and the problem occurs on all browsers.
Except ibenick's site which seems to work fine. So maybe ibenick found a solution and forgot to share with us. :whistle:
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