XF 2.1 CSS doesn't show of the website


New member

I just installed XenForo today, and when I open the default homepage, it works, but when I open for example "What's new" or things like this, it does not show the CSS of the website.

https://forum.littlebite.de/ works
https://forum.littlebite.de/whats-new/ does not

Before installation I got this warning that I had disabled functions /not sure if they make this problem/:

I also tried to disable addons, not working.

XenForo is freshly installed today, can you help me please?

Gruß aus Berlin,
Okay, I will try it, if it won't work then I will use the subdirectory, and last question, if I install it via this way, then littlebite.de/forum/xxxx will not work again, right? (Can I block using it via this way, and enable just using it via subdomain - I mean auto redirecting to subdomain?)
Okay, I will try it, if it won't work then I will use the subdirectory, and last question, if I install it via this way, then littlebite.de/forum/xxxx will not work again, right? (Can I block using it via this way, and enable just using it via subdomain - I mean auto redirecting to subdomain?)

If this is basically a new install (as of today), you shouldn't worry about redirecting littlebite.de/forum/, just make sure the subdirectory is deleted and gives a 404 error.
Yes but that is the only way, cause domain creation on my hosting is only through making a folder in the main domain.

Yes but that is the only way, cause domain creation on my hosting is only through making a folder in the main domain.


Yeah, that is not the way it should work (and the reason you were able to get your site to respond on both the subdirectory and subdomain at the same time). That host is doing things that are not normal and my guess is having a perfectly working Xenforo install in the subdomain maybe challenging with this host.

I personally would look for a new host that actually treats subdomains as they should. Even if you wanted to do a subdirectory install I would move away from this host since it appears your pages would also be accessible through their sudo subdomain practise making duplicate urls/sites linked to the same content.
Yeah, that is not the way it should work (and the reason you were able to get your site to respond on both the subdirectory and subdomain at the same time). That host is doing things that are not normal and my guess is having a perfectly working Xenforo install in the subdomain maybe challenging with this host.

I personally would look for a new host that actually treats subdomains as they should. Even if you wanted to do a subdirectory install I would move away from this host since it appears your pages would also be accessible through their sudo subdomain practise making duplicate urls/sites linked to the same content.
If I would not create a subdomain (neither subdirectory) at the webspace at one.com, and I would just make a DNS pointing the subdomain (forum.littlebite.de) at my other VPS, where I have a web server, would it work normally with subdomain then?
If I would not create a subdomain (neither subdirectory) at the webspace at one.com, and I would just make a DNS pointing the subdomain (forum.littlebite.de) at my other VPS, where I have a web server, would it work normally with subdomain then?

As far as using that host just for domain services, it might be fine but any hosting service that does what they are doing as far as subdomains are concernered, I would question how they do other things also (like DNS / domain forwarding). How did you end up with this host to begin with?
As far as using that host just for domain services, it might be fine but any hosting service that does what they are doing as far as subdomains are concernered, I would question how they do other things also (like DNS / domain forwarding). How did you end up with this host to begin with?
Okay, then, I pointed my subdomain to my VPS, but, how can I make http://ipOfVps/forum.littlebite.de not accessible. Cause I have a webserver and I have multiple things at the web server, not just the forum. So, to explain better:

What I want is to block opening the website through first and second option, is that possible?
Not just pointing to it, you need to remove your install at the original host and install on your VPS.

Your original host would just be used for DNS. All files and databases will need to be on the VPS.
If you haven't created the site and subdomain of the VPS yet, this could be why you are seeing the odd urls with the domain ip.
I am not sure if you understand me, so lets explain it from the start...

I have a domain littlebite.de bought from one.com, and I created a subdomain forum.littlebite.de pointing to my VPS hosted on another server provider, then via apache2 I point the subdomain to folder /var/www/forum.littlebite.de, but the folder is accessible by IP address ( ), but I want it to be accessible only with the subdomain.
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