XF 2.1 CSS doesn't show of the website


New member

I just installed XenForo today, and when I open the default homepage, it works, but when I open for example "What's new" or things like this, it does not show the CSS of the website.

https://forum.littlebite.de/ works
https://forum.littlebite.de/whats-new/ does not

Before installation I got this warning that I had disabled functions /not sure if they make this problem/:

I also tried to disable addons, not working.

XenForo is freshly installed today, can you help me please?

Gruß aus Berlin,
Okay, now I have maybe found out something, my main domain is in /var/www/littlebite.de, my subdomain is in /var/www/f.littlebite.de, and when I write the IP address of my VPS to the address bar, littlebite.de will open, and if I am right, there is no way to open the subdomain with IP address right?

Because won't work, right?
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