Crowd Moderation

Crowd Moderation [Paid] 2.1.0

No permission to buy ($15.00)


Well-known member
Xon submitted a new resource:

Crowd Moderation - Allow your userbase to moderate messages by reporting them.

Crowd Moderation allows your user base to assist your moderation team. Reporting content can now result in content being soft deleted or added to the moderation queue.

Once installed, the "Crowd Moderation Report Limit" permission must be configured

There are 4 options in a new option group:
  1. Points Threshold - this is the number of "report points" that content needs to hit before an action is taken.
  2. Action - The action that is taken once the points threshold...

Read more about this resource...
Feature request:
Auto Thread Ban a user if they receive certain/configurable amount of reports also.
It is the number of times a user can report something and have it counted to kicking in auto-moderation behaviour.
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The add-on should reload the post?
I think so. But as tested i have to reload the page by myself to see that it is moderated.
As long users know/think that one report is enough to moderate a post, they will not see that their report was uscessful. So they will try it again.

Is this a problem of my testforum or is this function not build in, please?
If disabled; each report will count 1 point to the threshold and a user can only make 1 report that is counted.
Report Points Threshold : 5

But one warning is enough for the modertion queue. it should be 5, correct?
This is a tool for a bad actor with a following to silence people. I'd think carefully before using something like this. We all know how brigading works.
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