Credits [Deleted]

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Credits is my first money add-on for my forum, I haven't used the Bank add-on. But I would like to know, what happens to the xenforo Trophy Points once, they are imported?

Nothing, I assume they still accumulate as normal. Just the total "trophy points" you did have, are now in the credits field...
Does this have a point multiplier for specific usergroups (eg giving premium users 2x the amount of points earned).
Where is the support info for this add-on? I would like to disable some forums.

With so much Credit being earned by the members, they need things to spend it on… Like games, gifts, etc etc… So it keeps them entertained.
With so much Credit being earned by the members, they need things to spend it on… Like games, gifts, etc etc… So it keeps them entertained.

Sportsbook / Stocktrader

Ice Shop - purchase usergroup upgrade to access either, or user it to access Arcade...

Enhance your add-on to include a charge to poke someone (optional) or rate them (optional)... <==== You'd likely see an increase in sales...
Too add to that, and not go to far off topic, I'd definitely be more interested in yours now that this points add-on has been released, given the option to make it cost (certain pokes cost certain amount... fish = $100, nipple =$750, etc)... rate staff costs more than normal, rate VIP usergroup etc, cost certain... Just an idea.
am i doing something wrong, i have installed and get version 0.0.0 and hardly any options???????
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