Credits [Deleted]

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We will work hard to do some companion addons to spend credits:
- ******* - Giftcode Sharing
- ******* - Medals System
- ******* - Change Username
- And more products coming soon

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Purchase invites would be good, I use the ragtek invite system would be great if members could purchase invites
Great mod, but would it all me to use the sportsbook table as my main credits table like the bd banking mod does,

also we now have 2 decent mods for credits but nothing on xenforo for my members to spend their credits on.

Ice shop is no good as it requires making a new user group for each shop item.

This would be even better if there was a mod such as vbshop to compliment it

Simple to do.

I just tested, got all my cash transferred over... set up both sportsbook and stocktrader to pull from the Credits add-on...
Where do you install the actions xml file? the add-on installer says it isn't valid. Also, I'm missing the user credits list (which means I can't use the importer). Found it!
How would I pull over the trophy points, as that is what I use for sports book & stock trader collectively.

Hmmmm... Not sure. I used [bd] Banking, it has an importer built in for it. What system did you use for that, MyPoints? Or iPoints, or whatever Steve called it?
I've only ever used XF trophy points right from the get go with those two add-ons. I changed the trophy points values and how members got them, set both add-ons to use it, thus one value for two systems.

I would like to use this add-on, though it must transfer XF trophy points over to it for that to occur.
Purchase invites would be good, I use the ragtek invite system would be great if members could purchase invites
Invite system will be built in the future. Thanks
Can this import default XF trophy points, if already used as a currency system?
Also... does this / will this have a sidebar block showing user avatars of the highest credits?
We will release upgrade version with 2 functions that your requested on day.
Where do you install the actions xml file? the add-on installer says it isn't valid. Also, I'm missing the user credits list (which means I can't use the importer). Found it!
For the default install & upgrade you not need to import actions. Actions XML file just for restore to default options.
I would also suggest something like reputations, where users can give credits to another user's post based on the number of credits they have themselves, %max donateable will be set in the admin, with the option to subtract/not subtract from the user donating these credits. :D
******* updated Credits with a new update entry:

26/01/2013: Version 1.0.1

- Fixed upgrade bug.
- Support multiple credits field in `xf_user` to integrate Credits with other add-ons.
- Added import credits from Trophy Points with 2 options (Merge current credits, Override current credits).
- Added import credits from My Points with 2 options (Merge current credits, Override current credits).
- Added import credits from My Points with 2 options (Merge current credits, Override current credits).
Notice: All upgrade of this...

Read the rest of this update entry...
What is this about? What support & additions?

but there are premium addons available regarding Paypal support, subscription additions and branding removal
You have a minor issue in template: BRC_member_card_stats

You need to add class="concealed" to the elseif href, which stops the link changing to the styles default link color.
Question about the interest... is that daily and paid daily? If so... does that also mean the other field has to be filled out with the seconds for a 24hr period for that to function daily?

Interest action base on XenForo cron. You can set period time for this, longest is 1 month. And its also mean other field ( you must define in credits options ) will change, too. Other field will have same value with credits.
Ok... the cron is set for 24hrs, however; when I go to run that cron it gives me the error: Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 80 bytes) in ******/public_html/c/library/Zend/Db/Statement/Mysqli.php on line 304
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