Creating custom prefix styling

Creating custom prefix styling

Do you think there'd be any SEO or browser/OS compatibility issues if using an emoji instead of a FA icon? I'm thinking it depends on the browser/OS whether the page title would show the emoji or just the emoji code?
I have a question. I didn't see it mentioned, but at first, I assumed I had to do this to each style which we have several. However, I did the edits to the master style template, and it worked on all styles.

My question is, during an upgrade, does the master style get overwritten anywhere? I still think it would be easier to re-do it if so, rather than editing each theme, but I'm not sure what the best approach is.
The master style should never be edited as it is rebuilt during an upgrade.

To clarify, that is the core master style which is not normally available, and not just a regular parent style.
The master style should never be edited as it is rebuilt during an upgrade.

To clarify, that is the core master style which is not normally available, and not just a regular parent style.
Makes sense. I have developer mode turned on. That's likely why I saw it.

I created my changes as an add-on, so they get applied like changes to the master style. I may write this* up as a resource in the future, perhaps in autumn after my work and travel schedule calms down. (* It won't be specifically for the custom prefix styling, but just a guide to a really simple add-on that is easier to create than you'd think.)
I know I'm late, but I'm just trying this out and it works. Just not with icons that have names separated with more than one hyphen. I get the same error above when they are used.

Edit: further investigating it, it seems like even some with 1 hyphen it says that the variable was not defined, maybe because it's not in Xenforo's fontawesome version

Icons that gave me problems:
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If you go to the FontAwesome site and look up the version that XF uses, you can find out which icons it supports. (I'm not at a computer right now to see which version that is.}
If you go to the FontAwesome site and look up the version that XF uses, you can find out which icons it supports. (I'm not at a computer right now to see which version that is.}

Here is the Font Awesome 5 icon list:

But, FA does have a 5.15.4 (which is what that list is) so it's possible that list may include a few icons that aren't available in XF's version.
Icons that gave me problems:
If you go to the FontAwesome site and look up the version that XF uses, you can find out which icons it supports. (I'm not at a computer right now to see which version that is.}
XF only supports up to FA5 for licensing reasons.

Any icons, like vial-circle-check, that say they were introduced in a version higher than 5.x won't be found in the XF included version of FA.
for the out of the box prefix feature, when set up, how can it be set so to ensure a selection is made? i.e. alerts the user to a thread can not be posted till a selection is made ?
for the out of the box prefix feature, when set up, how can it be set so to ensure a selection is made? i.e. alerts the user to a thread can not be posted till a selection is made ?
You can set so that a prefix has to be chosen before the post can be submitted in each forum node definition.
You can also define a default prefix.

Screen Shot 2023-12-05 at 11.31.22 PM.webp

It is at the bottom of the area where you set up the main portion of the node itself.
not sure what might be up, but i cant get FA icons working

&.label--red { .m-labelVariation(white, #e20000); }
    &.label--green { .m-labelVariation(white, green); }
    &.label--olive { .m-labelVariation(white, olive); }
    &.label--lightGreen { .m-labelVariation(black, #ccf9c8, #bee8ba); }
    &.label--blue { .m-labelVariation(white, #0008e3); }
    &.label--royalBlue { .m-labelVariation(white, royalblue); }
    &.label--skyBlue { .m-labelVariation(white, #7cc3e0); }
    &.label--gray { .m-labelVariation(white, gray); }
    &.label--silver { .m-labelVariation(black, silver); }
    &.label--yellow { .m-labelVariation(black, #ffff91, #e6e687); }
    &.label--orange { .m-labelVariation(black, #ffcb00); }

    &.label--error { .m-labelVariation(#c84448, #fde9e9, #c84448); }
    &.label--dpfHousekeeping { .m-labelVariation(white, #ed952f); }
    &.label--dpfDevelopment { .m-labelVariation(white, #0744b5); }

/* #### Thread Prefixes #### */
        padding-right: 4px;

This worked great for me.
I'm not a big fan of the core prefixes palette.
Can I safely change those colour values too? Would the change be reflected on the prefix creation menu?

Also what is the third css parameters for? I saw some prefixes have 3 colours
Ok thanks it's "font, background, border"
To answer the other question, they will change on front end but they will not on the create prefix page. I wonder what controls that, so i can make them match.

This is cos i don't want to remember css classes.
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