Create Alert for user title change

Having just changed title due to reaching 1,000 posts, I was surprised there was no Alert for it.

I think this would be a useful addition, assuming it's fairly easy to code.
Yeah I didn't even notice my user-title change :x.

Should go along with the trophy alert as well. 
It's not actually that easy to do. Your title is determined on the fly, so we don't actually track when it's changed.
It's not actually that easy to do. Your title is determined on the fly, so we don't actually track when it's changed.
Then I will 'unlike' post number 1, because it really is not that important for us. If it was simple & easy then it would be a different matter, but it is not.
Nothing is ever simple and easy, then again to some it would be. I have to say I like this idea as my user title changed and had no idea so maybe a popup or email alert would be great.
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