Copy& that a bug?


New member
Affected version
Hi guys,

In some cases, users write their texts in OpebOffice Writer and then copy them into the input field. Some of these posts then appear there without spaces in some places. This happens on average with every 7th to 10th space.
This doesn't happen with other text editors like Wordpad or others, only with OpenOffice and LibreOffice.
The hex editor always shows me the correct code (20) for the space, but they are still missing in the input field?

Is there any experience with this???

Newer versions of XenForo have newer versions of the editor.

You could spin up a demo and ask your users to try there:

There may be some improvements in this area in recent versions. If so, we'd recommend upgrading.

There probably won't be a great deal of additional development in this area as a future version of XenForo will be shipping with an entirely new editor, and we'll be taking care to ensure things like this are much less of an issue going forwards.
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