And is it necessary to invest extra time in having to check all open tickets regularly if there has been no feedback for X days to close them?
How many days should X days be, before it's not considered "rude" anymore to close the ticket or to be sure that you are not providing any more details?
Again, you also miss completely the point. The key point is that they haven't asked for one single feedback, none. Nothing. I reported here on XF my situation, Chris forwarded. And then what? Yeah, they closed it. The cherry on top of the cake is that they let me wait 26 days for what actually? Am I one step further?
Didn't I know that their editor works for others? It took them 26 days to show me a video that their editor works. What a support.
I see you handling your free addons, specially the BBCode one and the Profile one. I haven't seen you once telling the bug reporters "it works for me, here the video, case closed". No, you actually tried to get feedback. Asked them if they did this, tried this or tried a clean install, anything.
Obviously it is hard for developers to track down bugs, but because of that you try to get new info from the bug reporter. And then after your tried, you can't do much more than that.
In my case there is 0 try. I don't see none whatsoever try to help me.
My native language is not English (3rd language) but I know what "case closed" means. Same jargon is used for police detectives etc. When there is no new info, then you close it. But again, the police tries before they close a case, they investigate before they do.
They don't do their usual day jobs for a month and tell you the case is closed. Like wtf, can you imagine that?
Look, my problem is honestly a small issue. I don't want to exaggerate my situation and become a drama queen. But it is a matter of principle for me.
I am not expecting them to wait for me forever, but at least give me 1 day to give feedback. I had NONE chance to do it before they closed my case.
Of course I can go and make them re-open it by making a drama out of it, but this is not the point. The worst part is it is a paid software, not free. By laws they have to offer support (if they sell support in their agreements, which most do). If I am too nitpicky I could argue that on court making a case of that they don't deliver what they say. But this is hypothetically and very unlikely. I never would do such a thing. But it is just a matter of principles and I find it very rude not to give me any chance of feedback. They just closed it. After 26 days. After a 1 minute video showing me it works. Please, make my day and do the same thing for your addons. Let us all see how the users will respond to you, after you show them a video of your addons working for you. A bug? It works for you, see video, case closed. Feedback? Nah.
Btw. I am already over this. This thread can be closed, I just responded because you took the time to respond to me, so I wanted to acknowledge and appreciate it.