I have a consistent repro fro this issue on XF 1.5.14.
The error occurs if the user uploads multiple media with tags, and gets any tag permissions error (e.g. tag less that x characters not allowed, more than x tags not allowed, tag creation not allowed), in which case the upload will subsequently fail after removing the offending tag(s) and resubmitting. The error is always the same in the server log:
Stack Trace:
The error occurs if the user uploads multiple media with tags, and gets any tag permissions error (e.g. tag less that x characters not allowed, more than x tags not allowed, tag creation not allowed), in which case the upload will subsequently fail after removing the offending tag(s) and resubmitting. The error is always the same in the server log:
copy(/public_html/forum/internal_data/attachments/13/13823-6ae2c248ad8271fe42aa830d5cb8eff9.data): failed to open stream: No such file or directory
Saturday at 7:40 PM - library/XenGallery/Model/Watermark.php:161
Stack Trace:
Error Info
ErrorException: copy(/public_html/forum/internal_data/attachments/13/13823-6ae2c248ad8271fe42aa830d5cb8eff9.data): failed to open stream: No such file or directory - library/XenGallery/Model/Watermark.php:161
Generated By: User123, Saturday at 7:40 PM
Stack Trace
#0 [internal function]: XenForo_Application::handlePhpError(2, 'copy(/home/dvci...', '/...', 161, Array)
#1 /public_html/forum/library/XenGallery/Model/Watermark.php(161): copy('/...', '/...')
#2 /public_html/forum/library/XenGallery/ControllerPublic/Media.php(3219): XenGallery_Model_Watermark->addWatermarkToImage(Array)
#3 /public_html/forum/library/XenGallery/ControllerPublic/Media.php(2988): XenGallery_ControllerPublic_Media->_associateAttachmentsAndMedia(Array, Array, Array)
#4 /public_html/forum/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(351): XenGallery_ControllerPublic_Media->actionSaveMedia()
#5 /public_html/forum/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(134): XenForo_FrontController->dispatch(Object(XenForo_RouteMatch))
#6 /public_html/forum/index.php(13): XenForo_FrontController->run()
#7 {main}
Request State
array(3) {
["url"] => string(42) "https://xyz.com/forum/media/save-media"
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[14037] => array(6) {
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["media_description"] => string(14) "from July 2017"
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["media_description"] => string(14) "from July 2017"
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[14035] => array(6) {
["media_title"] => string(31) "Watching the Activity"
["media_description"] => string(14) "from July 2017"
["tags"] => string(69) "lake,world,night,water"
["media_tag"] => string(0) ""
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[14033] => array(6) {
["media_title"] => string(31) "Watching the Activity"
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["media_tag"] => string(0) ""
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[14032] => array(6) {
["media_title"] => string(31) "Watching the Activity"
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["media_tag"] => string(0) ""
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[14031] => array(6) {
["media_title"] => string(31) "Watching the Activity"
["media_description"] => string(14) "from July 2017"
["tags"] => string(70) "lake,world,night,happy,building"
["media_tag"] => string(0) ""
["media_embed_url_original"] => string(0) ""
["media_embed_url"] => string(0) ""
[14030] => array(6) {
["media_title"] => string(31) "Watching the Activity"
["media_description"] => string(14) "from July 2017"
["tags"] => string(65) "world,fireworks,night,happy,building"
["media_tag"] => string(0) ""
["media_embed_url_original"] => string(0) ""
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[14029] => array(6) {
["media_title"] => string(31) "Watching the Activity"
["media_description"] => string(14) "from July 2017"
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[14028] => array(6) {
["media_title"] => string(31) "Watching the Activity"
["media_description"] => string(14) "from July 2017"
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[14027] => array(6) {
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["media_description"] => string(14) "from July 2017"
["tags"] => string(65) "world,fireworks,night,happy,building"
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[14026] => array(6) {
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["media_description"] => string(14) "from July 2017"
["tags"] => string(65) "world,fireworks,night,happy,building"
["media_tag"] => string(0) ""
["media_embed_url_original"] => string(0) ""
["media_embed_url"] => string(0) ""
[14025] => array(6) {
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["media_description"] => string(14) "from July 2017"
["tags"] => string(65) "world,fireworks,night,happy,building"
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[14024] => array(6) {
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["media_embed_url_original"] => string(0) ""
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[14023] => array(6) {
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["tags"] => string(59) "lake,world,night,space"
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[14022] => array(6) {
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["media_description"] => string(14) "from July 2017"
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["container_id"] => string(2) "48"
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