XF 1.1 Converting Media Tags from vb3


Well-known member
In vb3 I use AME Automatic Media Embeding.

The problem is that AME have the possibility to restore link removing [AME] tags but it will restore it with [url] tags... plus some tags are like [AME=youtube]9MkB6NkQscI[/AME] and it will restore it like


do you suggest to maintain AME tags and replace them in a second moment?
For a replacement like that you can use this addon:


Here are settings for your replacement. I tested this using the example in your post:

Quick Find: [ame

Regular expression: #\[ame="http:.+youtube.+v=(\w+)(&.+)?"\].+\[/ame\]#siU

Replacement String: [media=youtube]\1[/media]

View attachment 22866

@Jake Bunce

This got the majority of my old AME tags but still left quite a few :(

[ame=[media=youtube]o2_bwpCWO1g[/media] X - Another Pig Bites the Dust - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=[media=youtube]pPvlpc-AhTc[/media] X - Down So Long - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=[media=youtube]RwaJk-Xsjd8[/media] Rick,Primo & Cougnut "Tribute to Mr Cee" - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=[media=youtube]leB1b1vO6hQ[/media] - Bring It On - YouTube[/ame]

@Jake Bunce

This got the majority of my old AME tags but still left quite a few :(

[ame=[media=youtube]o2_bwpCWO1g[/media] X - Another Pig Bites the Dust - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=[media=youtube]pPvlpc-AhTc[/media] X - Down So Long - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=[media=youtube]RwaJk-Xsjd8[/media] Rick,Primo & Cougnut "Tribute to Mr Cee" - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=[media=youtube]leB1b1vO6hQ[/media] - Bring It On - YouTube[/ame]


Those posts have apparently been edited and subject to auto-media parsing. Those will be exceptions. It is easy to deal with those manually. Or you can run a custom replacement to fix them.

Quick Find: [ame

Regular expression: #\[ame(=".+")?\]http://www\.youtube\.com/watch\?v=([a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+?).*\[/ame\]#siU

Replacement String: [media=youtube]\2[/media]

Hi Jake, this one converted almost all my AME tags however these appear to be tricky:

[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YfkK51dYUbI"]Planetside 2[/ame]

Hope you can give me a hand with this!

Quick Find: [ame

Regular expression: #\[ame(=".+")?\]http://m\.youtube\.com/watch\?v=([a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+?).*\[/ame\]#siU

Replacement String: [media=youtube]\2[/media]

Quick Find: [ame

Regular expression: #\[ame(=".+")?\]\[color=[^\]]+\]http://www\.youtube\.com/watch\?v=([a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+?).*\[/color\]\[/ame\]#siU

Replacement String: [media=youtube]\2[/media]

Quick Find: [ame

Regular expression: #\[ame="https://www\.youtube\.com/watch\?v=([a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+?)[^"]*"\][^\[]*\[/ame\]#siU

Replacement String: [media=youtube]\1[/media]
So I am running:
#\[ame="http://www\.youtube\.com/watch\?v=([a-zA-Z0-9_\-] ?)[^"]*"\][^\[]*\[/ame\]#siU

but it doesn't convert:

why would this be?
* bump *

I'm working on migrating several vB 3.8 + AME sites to XF right now. I have tested Jake's suggestions and they find a lot of the codes, but each suggestion misses some...


Doesn't handle ids (v=id) with dash or underscore, otherwise seems to find most [ame="addr"]title[/ame] codes


Doesn't handle ids with dash or underscore, otherwise seems to find most [ame]addr[/ame] codes


Handles ids with dash and underscore, but only finds [ame="addr"]title[/ame] codes where the title is a url. Also hard codes //www into the url, so misses //m addresses.

So, I tried experimented with Jake's suggestions and the following codes (all using [media=youtube]\1[/media]) seem to catch everything:


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