Convert images


Well-known member
There is a wonderful addon from AndyB converting images from linked images to attachments. Unfortunately you can use it only with image magick´s pecl installed as a php extension. One of the biggest hosters in my country offers pecl only with exec. So i have decided to have this addon in my own style. I have an programer for it, and we can do it in a short time, i think.

Now the question is, if there is any other function that could be nice to have for this addon. If so, let me know, please.
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For shure we do not use your code for another addon; but maybe change it for ourselves what should be ok for everyone. And shure, i know that you cant support it or update it then. Thank you for the link also. It copies pictures to the own server without building attachments or with attachments; maybe this can be also a solution.
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