XF 2.3 Converting a ton of images to WEBP


Well-known member
I have just converted our forum to XF 2.3.3. Banners and avatars have already converted to WEBP but I also want to convert the images/attachments.

Problem is, our forum contains about 2 million attachments and are hosted on Cloudflare R2.
So converting would probably take days or even weeks.

Is it going to be a problem one the server needs a reboot or (let's say) ImageMagick needs an update? Can I just restart the conversion proces (xf-rebuild:attachment-optimization) and it will continue where it left off?
Im unsure of attachments specifically but I know avatars and likely profile banners get internally marked as "optimized" once theyve been converted.
Theoretically the conversion process will not pick images which have already been "optimized", so yes I think it will pick up where it left off.
I’ve converted upto 140,000 images using the CLI tool, and it does restart, as there is a field in the attachment table which states if an image has been optimized, and it restarted where it left off.
I have just converted our forum to XF 2.3.3. Banners and avatars have already converted to WEBP but I also want to convert the images/attachments.

Problem is, our forum contains about 2 million attachments and are hosted on Cloudflare R2.
So converting would probably take days or even weeks.

Is it going to be a problem one the server needs a reboot or (let's say) ImageMagick needs an update? Can I just restart the conversion proces (xf-rebuild:attachment-optimization) and it will continue where it left off?
Vote this suggestion: https://xenforo.com/community/threa...or-xf-rebuild-attachment-optimization.224613/
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