Convert image

Convert image [Paid] 4.7

No permission to buy ($35.00)
@AndyB Is that an option that can be turned off? I'm not sure of a situation that I'd want a optimized webp being replaced by one that takes more storage.
@AndyB. Any update on this? Can we get an option to not automatically convert webp to jpg? This makes the add on not just a hot link fixer but an image converter as well.
Can you possibly make this addon work with the Cloudflare addon image proxy system?

That CF addon uses CF Worker as a proxy system, which is different from the native Xenforo HTTP proxy.
Is this Addon still supported? Not working for us with imgur, postimg or any other URL we tested. Links are embedded with bb img tag, the same way as without plugin.

The only error message i can find is this:

"Maximum attachment image dimensions must be greater than 0."

Max dimension value is set as default: 20000
Support at the seed of light fixed the issue:

Admin control panel -> Setup -> Options -> Attachments -> Maximum attachment image dimensions.

Values cannot be 0 here for the plugin to work.

Thank you Andy for the fast support!
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