Convert image

Convert image [Paid] 5.0

No permission to buy ($35.00)


Well-known member
AndyB submitted a new resource:

Convert image - Converts hot linked images to attachments.

Premium upgrade:

For $25.00 USD this add-on along with the entire collection may be downloaded for up to one year. Please see the colletion in the Resources area at this URL:


Converts hot linked images to attachments.

The Convert image add-on will convert hot linked images in messages to attachments. Hot linked images are those images that have been inserted using the Image icon in the editor toolbar.

(Example of hot...

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Many people like myself are already using PHP 7.x.x where ImageMagick is long gone. Are you ever going to be able to come up with a new way of making this add-on work without ImageMagick, etc.?
Maybe if you have your own server and you make it work, but most hosting companies are not even going to install ImageMagick with PHP 7 because ImageMagick is considered to be depreciated now.
Is ImageMagick slower...
Both extensions are similar in the functionality, however, Imagick allows to achieve better results with all basic operations:

  • Creation of thumbnails from original photos: Imagick is faster by about 10% and generates images of higher quality, memory usage rate with Imagick is also lower than in case of GD.
  • Applying the sharpening filter: Imagick performs this task several times faster than GD.
  • Rotation and cropping require thumbnails re-generation which is why Imagick still stays ahead of GD.
Still missing the point. If hosting companies are not going to install it for use with PHP 7 then this add-on and the ones that require ImageMagick are completely useless. So, what's the alternative when you dont have your own server?
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Both extensions are similar in the functionality, however, Imagick allows to achieve better results with all basic operations:

  • Creation of thumbnails from original photos: Imagick is faster by about 10% and generates images of higher quality, memory usage rate with Imagick is also lower than in case of GD.
  • Applying the sharpening filter: Imagick performs this task several times faster than GD.
  • Rotation and cropping require thumbnails re-generation which is why Imagick still stays ahead of GD.

Thanks Robru for the info!!!
@AndyB your description is a bit contraty. Compare the second sentence of the text and the image:
This add-on requires a restricted Maximum attachment image dimensions setting. You cannot use 0 or blank as an option. I suggest using 1600 x 1600.

Hi, I'm getting the following error when setting the tmp folder in options:

Oops! We ran into some problems. Please try again later. More error details may be in the browser console.

I verified directory has 0755 permissions (was working previously with XF 1.5 add-on)

Any ideas?
Does this update fix all the existing problems in the databases where this addon is installed, or does this just stop it from happening again?
I confirmed with Andy it does not. Here is a update query to fix all the existing attach_count mismatches:
UPDATE xf_post AS post
INNER JOIN (SELECT content_id, COUNT(content_id) AS count FROM xf_attachment
WHERE content_type = 'post'
GROUP BY content_id) attachment ON post.post_id = attachment.content_id
SET post.attach_count = attachment.count
WHERE post.attach_count <> attachment.count
After you run it you can check to make sure there are no more mismatches:
SELECT post.post_id, post.attach_count, attachment.count
FROM xf_post as post
INNER JOIN (SELECT content_id, COUNT(content_id) AS count FROM xf_attachment WHERE content_type = 'post' GROUP BY content_id) attachment ON post.post_id = attachment.content_id
WHERE post.attach_count <> attachment.count

DISCLAIMER: updating the database is risky business, and you should backup your site/database before doing so. I am not responsible for bad things that may happen :)
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