XF 2.1 Constants already defined in php72compat_const.php after upgrade


I've recently upgraded from 2.1x to 2.1.5a and now received many errors referring to various (20+) constants already defined in my Xenforo Directory /src/vendor/paragonie/sodium_compat/lib/php72compat_const.php on line 86

Has anyone else received similar errors?
I have been able to find a solution. Apparently, it's a result of an incompatibility between two versions of the sodium_compat library deployed by WordPress and XenForo. The library authors have deployed a patch, but it yet needs to be shipped with either software.

I just uploaded the new files to my WP site which then fixed the problem.
I might be wrong, but thus far I have assumed that if you are running PHP 7.2 or 7.3 then the library wouldn't be loaded at all therefore that is usually going to be the most logical solution and in some hosting environments, a couple of clicks to enable.
I might be wrong, but thus far I have assumed that if you are running PHP 7.2 or 7.3 then the library wouldn't be loaded at all therefore that is usually going to be the most logical solution and in some hosting environments, a couple of clicks to enable.

Chris, I'm running PHP 7.3 and encounter this issue as well.
I am running php 7.2.25 and am receiving a similar error.
Unfortunately, it created a 5 gig error log which put a pretty heavy dent on my storage space.

Had I not logged into my server, I would have never noticed the increase in disc usage. A few more errors and my site would have shut down due to exceeding disc space.

Looks like I'll be logging into my VPS each day to delete log files until this can get resolved. I'll be following this thread for a fix
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