Considering XenForo, Have Questions

Kenneth Holland

Active member
I have a Wordpress Blog that is doing quite well and now I am going to add
either a message forum and or a 'social network'. I used to be a vbulletin
customer several years ago and went back to post what I'm posting below.

Shocked to find no one from VB will even answer my pre-sales questions.

Guess things have changed there.

I hope you guys and gals out there in this community (and WITH THE COMPANY) can help me out.

Here is a rough outline of what I want to do...can XenForo (either through the core or developers) accomplish
the following or be extended to:

1. Are there any social network plugins/mods (also see #4 below)? I know this is a bit vague but something
that can expand the core XF beyond what is is now? Maybe it's just a more elaborate groups feature?

2. Photos: Photos and videos will play a BIG part in my forum/sn. A place where members can create a
gallery and upolad photos/videos (as well as hi-res ones) plus watermarking and copywriting (like Flickr).
Also, does a mod exist for users to sell images?

3. Photos: Voting and sharing on images?

4. Can individual posts in threads by shared to Facebook and Twitter? I'm surprised no one is doing this!

5. Does XF have a built in cache or is there a mod for this?

6. Awards and/or gameification: Are there any mods in this area?

7. Is Facebook and Twitter login available? Mod??

8. XF integration with Wordpress: Is there any level of integration by chance with WP or an add-on/mod?

9. I've heard that XF does not have a mobile application yet. Anyone know when that will be out OR
is there a developer that can build one for me?

10. Can XF be configured to work with a CDN network? I currently use MaxCDN for my blog.

11. Are there third party themes available?

That's basically it for now...and I thank all of you for taking the time to read this and to the ones who's much appreciated.

Pretty much yes, unlike WordPress the option is not there to choose a replacement for "forums and threads" in URL. There's a mod for doing it here, but recently someone reported a problem with RSS Feed using it to change things. It's been brought up before about adding that in XenForo, giving you more SEO options to change that in the URL. Not sure if it's been taken on-board or not in next release?
Pretty much yes, unlike WordPress the option is not there to choose a replacement for "forums and threads" in URL. There's a mod for doing it here, but recently someone reported a problem with RSS Feed using it to change things. It's been brought up before about adding that in XenForo, giving you more SEO options to change that in the URL. Not sure if it's been taken on-board or not in next release?

I'm sure they a reason for it. So this hasn't been answered yet. Can I do a subdomain? And if it's sundirectory I can do this:

I'm more confused now than when I asked the question LOL

hangar can be your forum and your subdomain.

Both can be your forum at the same time.

just install the forum in your hangar directory, then create a redirect in your server control panel for or something like that
I'm sure they a reason for it. So this hasn't been answered yet. Can I do a subdomain? And if it's sundirectory I can do this:

Now your confusing me. If you mean your forum structure would be that before even installing XenForo, then linking to a forum would give you this (same problem) I talked about at first with double" forums" listed in URL.

I would something like this:
I fear the recent threads have confused the matter somewhat.

You can install in the root or a directory of your choosing.

All XenForo does is use pre-defined routes for certain content, for example:

The community part of the URLs is the directory where it has been installed for this site.

There is an add-on however which allows you to change those routes:
Ah ok I got it Brogan. So in my example it could be '' and then the 'routes' for various stuff, right?

Ken, try this:

If you want Wordpress running ... you should leave Wordpress in the root directory.
You should install xenforo into a subdirectory - you seem to be leaning towards \hangar\ (sounds good).

Surf around this site ( and see the implications of installing xenforo to a subforum. installed their xenforo into the community subdirectory ! (just replace community with hangar ... and you'll see how it will work on your site !)

Hope that helps

thread URLs -
forum URLs -
forum root URL -
(note see the word community in the above 3 examples).
Note: if you install xenforo into the subforum forums ... then a forum URL will be
- see the double forum.

With Wordpress + Xenforo ... you basically have to install is the best Wordpress Bridge

There is something to note about Bridges, you may not that thought of ... which software controls the users ? Wordpress or Xenforo. In all WP - XF bridges ... the answer is XF. There are issues around this such as Wordpress things that need cookies made by the Wordpress login. Xenscripts does work around this to some extent but it really depends on the Wordpress Addon.

As well, say you get rid of xenforo in 1 year, and go back to Wordpress because the forum wasn't working for you. Well .... all the new registrations to your site are in Xenforo *NOT* wordpress. You may or may not be able to get your Xenforo users imported into Wordpress.

You should ask more questions at Xenscripts if you need.

But overall ... Wordpress (best Blog (lite CMS) software) + Xenforo (Best forum) = Best of Both worlds.
Thanks DD!

A lot of great info from you here...I really appreciate it!

Ken, try this:

If you want Wordpress running ... you should leave Wordpress in the root directory.
You should install xenforo into a subdirectory - you seem to be leaning towards \hangar\ (sounds good).

If you install xenforo in hangar: Your URLs will look like this.

Surf around this site ( and see the implications of installing xenforo to a subforum. installed their xenforo into the community subdirectory ! (just replace community with hangar ... and you'll see how it will work on your site !)

Hope that helps

thread URLs -
forum URLs -
forum root URL -
(note see the word community in the above 3 examples).
Note: if you install xenforo into the subforum forums ... then a forum URL will be
- see the double forum.

With Wordpress + Xenforo ... you basically have to install is the best Wordpress Bridge

There is something to note about Bridges, you may not that thought of ... which software controls the users ? Wordpress or Xenforo. In all WP - XF bridges ... the answer is XF. There are issues around this such as Wordpress things that need cookies made by the Wordpress login. Xenscripts does work around this to some extent but it really depends on the Wordpress Addon.

As well, say you get rid of xenforo in 1 year, and go back to Wordpress because the forum wasn't working for you. Well .... all the new registrations to your site are in Xenforo *NOT* wordpress. You may or may not be able to get your Xenforo users imported into Wordpress.

You should ask more questions at Xenscripts if you need.

But overall ... Wordpress (best Blog (lite CMS) software) + Xenforo (Best forum) = Best of Both worlds.
Clicking the # number on each post will bring up an overlay and allow the individual post to be shared on various social networks.

Brogan, that's a very cool feature that I think should be more obvious for sharing. I know I'll have it modded to be more prominent. Anyway, just wanted to throw that out there.

I think I'm jumping in this week and buying the software. Very impressed so far. :)

Might be a good idea to make that change default phrase in the future, as permalink is a little misleading and doesn't indicate you can click it and share post via hidden Social Networking buttons if using them, even if the buttons are not active, there's a still a URL to copy and paste making the "Share This Post" phrase make sense still.

You could use also: Share This Permalink
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