connection with google


Active member
I think the guide here needs an update

I can't find these two parts

  1. In the AUTHORIZED JAVASCRIPT ORIGINS fields, enter your domain URL without the trailing slash For example, Note that if users access your site both with and without the "www" ( and, you should enter both URLs. Similarly, if users can access your site both with and without HTTPS, you should enter a value with http and https. Each URL should be placed on its own line. Ensure all variations of the URL used to access your site are entered.
  2. In the AUTHORIZED REDIRECT URIS enter <XF board URL>/connected_account.php. For example, The beginning of this URL must match your Board URL setting in XenForo exactly.
I just followed through the guide and those parts are definitely there and the guide appears to be correct.

After completing the "OAuth consent screen" step (which has multiple pages of info you may/may not need to complete) you click Credentials from the menu:


You click + CREATE CREDENTIALS followed by OAuth client ID:


Once choosing "Web Application" you can see the JavaScript Origins / Redirect URIs section:


I think arguably the only additional step is you need to click "+ ADD URI" to reveal the input but that's fairly self explanatory.
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