Congrats to Kier, Mike, Ashley, and team

Tho I won't go live for awhile, a Pre Thank You for giving my community back to me the way I want it again. Could no longer do it with VB, and it hasn't felt like home since I switched to IPB.

My membership will agree.

Proud to say I am a XF License Holder from day one.

Ouch another IPB site moving :( Just in the process ;)
Bravo! Simply Stunning Kier, Mike and Ashley

Wonderful wonderful work getting us to this point! All my very best for the push forward to 1.0 Final ... and beyond ;)

Love your work.

Just trying to setup before seeing about porting one of our skins over .... i.e cutting it down to be sleek and elegant ....

Make one with out the flashing buttons, solid on and off. :)

I love the work you guys do, just don't like lights that blink.
Congrats gentlemen. A job well done! I couldn't be more impressed with the backend...and +1 on those chalk drawings (as someone mentioned)
As a customer I am looking forward to doing years of business with xenForo and also having a laugh or two as well. Great community here with great spirit and leadership. Bravo!
A big congratulations to the XenForo team. I've used vBulletin, phpBB, MyBB and IPB, I must say this has to be the best that I've used from both an end-user and admin point of view. Good job, I look forward to my members getting their hands on it :).
Congrats to Kier and the boys. Excellent product. Beta testing with select group of my members and they absolutely love it.
Unfortunately, I don't have the money to buy the license for $100 but $140 isn't bad either! :) I'll be purchasing the license as soon as possible! :)
Congrats Kier and Mike and Ashley. :) I have bought this on Day 1 and will be hopefully going live on my WP site in a week! :)
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