XF 1.5 Conditional Statements on Page Node


Well-known member
The only other thread I could find similar is @CyclingTribe's thread. Which was never given an answer that worked.
Funny too, as I am actually literally doing what he was trying to do and trying to hide my ads on my advertisement page.

As I'm most common with Conditional Statements, I figured I would just use those. However, it appears Conditional Statements don't work on XenForo pages at all. At least not with what I'm trying to do.

So I was wondering, how would I go about hiding content on a XenForo Page (/pages/name). I can't use CSS and use "display: none;" because that is against Google's Adsense TOS.
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What about:

<xen:if is="{$quickNavSelected} != 'node-55'">

or an array:

<xen:if is="!in_array({$quickNavSelected}, array('node-XX','node-XX'))">
What about:

<xen:if is="{$quickNavSelected} != 'node-55'">

or an array:

<xen:if is="!in_array({$quickNavSelected}, array('node-XX','node-XX'))">
Ha ha thanks russ :)
I was actually just reading @Brogan's thread about removing bread crumbs here:
And it produced the same fix.

That seemed to have worked :)

My this is getting to be long xD
<xen:if is="!in_array({$contentTemplate}, array('forum_list', 'member_view', 'adcredit_shop_category_list', 'adcredit_shop_category_view', 'message_page', 'error', 'search_form', 'search_form_post', 'search_form_profile_post', 'search_results', 'register_form', 'register_facebook', 'register_twitter', 'register_google', 'login', 'error_with_login', 'contact')) AND {$quickNavSelected} != 'node-171'">
<xen:if is="!in_array({$contentTemplate}, array('forum_list', 'member_view', 'adcredit_shop_category_list', 'adcredit_shop_category_view', 'message_page', 'error', 'search_form', 'search_form_post', 'search_form_profile_post', 'search_results', 'register_form', 'register_facebook', 'register_twitter', 'register_google', 'login', 'error_with_login', 'contact')) AND {$quickNavSelected} != 'node-171'">

Can you please tell me, how i can make it work on xF2, i tried but not working by changing tag xen to xf
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