conditional statements

  1. bzcomputers

    XF 2.2 Trying to create conditional to block running ad code on all "prevent ads" templates

    Looking to surround the main Adsense async script with a conditional to allow it to only run if the current template is not included in the the list of "Prevent ads showing in these templates". Currently the way XenForo addresses blocking ads in certain templates does not prevent Adsense "Auto...
  2. jca

    XF 2.2 Add Forum Category Name to Page Title?

    I'm trying to add the Forum (Node) Name to the <title> tag of a page when viewing a thread in a Xenforo forum. For example, if you are looking at a thread called "Spider-Man No Way Home" in the forum called Movie Discussion, the title of the page would be: "Spider-Man No Way Home Movie...
  3. ActorMike

    XF 1.5 Conditional Statement for Guests + User Groups

    Is there a way to add guests to this conditional statement too? I don't want the content to be shown to guests OR the member groups listed. Any help is greatly appreciated! I only want logged in, non paying members to see the content. <xen:if is="!{xen:helper ismemberof, $visitor, 3, 5, 12, 15...
  4. JordanH

    XF 1.5 Conditional Statements on Page Node

    The only other thread I could find similar is @CyclingTribe's thread. Which was never given an answer that worked. Funny too, as I am actually literally doing what he was trying to do and trying to hide my ads on...
  5. Live Free

    XF 1.4 Hide node on forum home to guest but allow content to be viewed

    Is there a way to do this? I assume I need to use conditional statements, but how? I have a forum with posts I want to remain available for search engine purposes but I want to hide the node on the forum list page, but not the node's content - but for guests. When I change the Unregistered...
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