Coding help - [PHP - Preg]

I'm currently working on a template system like xenForo's, I've got my code working partly, I'm kinda new to the whole preg_match and preg_replace..

Right, I'll show you some code..

<curve:if condition="test">
However it's being translated to..
<curve:if condition="test">


     <?php } else { ?>


     <?php } else { ?>


My PHP code is as follows:

        private function _handleElse ( )
            $find = '#(<curve:if)(.*)(<curve:else>|</curve:else>)(.*)</curve:if>#is';
            $input = $this->_outPut;
            while( ( bool ) preg_match( $find, $input ) )
                $input = preg_replace
                    '<curve:if$2 <?php } else { ?> $4</curve:if>',
            echo $input;die;
I dont know exactly what you're trying to do... but it appears you don't have a lot of understanding of Regular Expressions. In this case, I recommend you DON'T use them. Without a deep knowledge of regular expressions, they are very dangerous. In your code above, you have already made a major mishap with your use of greedy catch alls.
Some people, when confronted with a problem, think "I know, I'll use regular expressions." Now they have two problems.

Not to mention, you won't be able to do nested conditions unless you program each one individually.
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