XF 1.5 Codes for Editing a Page in the ACP

Steve Freides

Active member
I have a page or two I've created in the ACP. The codes seems understandable enough, and HTML of a sort, e.g.

<p>  <br>

I would, however, like to find something equivalent to INDENT in the BB code editor so that I can, e.g., take my page of questions and answers and have all the questions appear flush left and the answers be indented.

Is there a resource that lists all the codes available? A quick Google suggested BLOCKQUOTE but that didn't work.

I'd also appreciate hearing if this functionality is any different in XF 2.0, which our developer tells me we will be installing at some point although I don't know a date just yet. The ideal for me, I think, would be for it to work as does the editor in the forum itself - WYSIWYG with a codes-viewable option.

Thanks in advance.

I did a search on how to indent something in HTML - it says to use <blockquote> - that doesn't work.

That's why I asked. This:


is above my head technically. I am interested in what seems simple enough - questions flush left, answers indented for an FAQ type page. Do I need a programmer to do this for me?


Thanks - CSS styling is a totally foreign thing to me, but it sounds like I need to learn.

The examples on that page don't indent an entire paragraph - that's what I'm trying to do.

Here's a question - is there a WYSIWYG editor in which I could create my web page, and then paste the HTML/CSS into the XF ACP?

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