XF 1.2 Code for Default Master Style

The amount of places this changes is quite a few, and not easily modifiable to get it to revert to non-debug behavior. Why do you need to be in debug and why is it defaulting to the master style affect you?
The amount of places this changes is quite a few, and not easily modifiable to get it to revert to non-debug behavior. Why do you need to be in debug and why is it defaulting to the master style affect you?

I need it in debug because I develop addons frequently.Also I edit styles a lot, so it bothers me because A lot of time when i go back to the template list I have to change back to the style I'm editing.
If you are editing templates, clicking "Templates" in the breadcrumbs shouldn't take you back to the master style's template list. Only clicking Appearance -> Templates will, but if you have multiple styles, you'll have to be selecting the style regardless to edit the correct ones....
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