XF 2.0 class 'is-selected' out of order?


Active member
For some reason only the Forum menu is set to is-selected but when I click on other menus then still only the menu 'Forum' has the class is selected and other restrooms only get the class = "p-navEl" and they do not accept the design of 'selected'
Where can the bug be?

Thanks in advance
is-selected means that it's the selected tab for the current page; it won't ever be applied for other tabs. You can see via the browser development tools that the is-menuOpen class is added when you open the menu for other tabs (and anywhere else XF uses menus like this).
Obviously, (apparently I did not clarify myself well enough ...)

When I'm on the 'Forum' tab it's excellent - and the tab with is-selected is a forum
The problem is that even when the tab is a different tab also then what is set is this selected the Forum tab
Creating a navigation entry and selecting it are separate things. If you are creating nodes, you have the option to choose what the selected navigation is for that node and its content.

For other pages, it may require custom template modifications to define the selected tab.
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