XF 1.1 Chrome No Data Received Error


Well-known member
My users are reporting problem while browsing with Google Chrome, usually a No Data Received error is randomly come across. I got in touch with my host, and they say such issue is usually caused by PHP.

I'm currently running xF 1.1.3 and my host is http://mddhosting.com/

I've also read that such issue is happening to many other users using chrome on several sites.

So should I be worried about this or is it a general Chrome problem? Or is it a server side problem?

Edit: Screenshots of error
ProblemScreenshot1.webp ProblemScreenshot2.webp
I had a similar issue with a Symfony application two years ago. Apparently PHP crashed due to a bug in a (custom made) PHP extension, resulting in a segmentation fault. Check Apache log and /var/log/messages for errors.
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