Check-box array


Well-known member
I'm creating a check-box option. How could I check within templates whether my array is populated with at least one non-false value?

array(3) {
["option_1"] => string(1) "1"
["option_2"] => string(1) "1"
["option_3"] => bool(false)

For example, if my setting array returned the following, I would want my condition not to be true:

array(3) {
["option_1"] => bool(false)
["option_2"] => bool(false)
["option_3] => bool(false)

Screen Shot 2014-05-26 at 23.26.57.webp
Assuming the option_id is checkBoxes:

$condition = true;
foreach ($option->checkBoxes AS $checkBox)
    if ($checkBox === false)
        $condition = false;

Zend_Debug::dump($condition); // If any of the check boxes are false, $condition == false. If none of the checkboxes are false, $condition == true.

EDIT: Just saw you wanted to check it in templates... You could probably fashion a similar thing in template syntax.
I've decided to try and get this working within templates. I tried to use the conditional below, but I'm getting a syntax error so it won't save, and I'm not sure why.

My option_id is checkBoxes.
<xen:if is="in_array(true, array_keys({$xenOptions.checkBoxes}))">
           (At least one check-box is selected)

EDIT: I'm not checking the keys, only the values, so I've worked it out using:

<xen:if is="in_array(true, {$xenOptions.checkBoxes}">
           (At least one check-box is selected)
in_array is allowed in templates, but I don't think array_keys is. And array_keys would be incorrect any way. The array_keys from your example would be one, two, three.

If you removed array_keys and just did:

<xen:if is="in_array(true, {$xenOptions.checkBoxes})">
    (At least one check-box is selected)

Does that work?
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