XF 1.5 Changing the topic header text size of the sibling node

I have no problem changing the topic header text size of the other nodes, but I can't seem to figure out changing the topic header text size of the sibling node.

I get to here:

Appearance>Styles>Default Style>Style Property Groups

Not sure which of the settings for topic header (topic name) text size is for the sibling node. Or is it somewhere else?

Thank you!

Hi Paul - And I appreciated the fast response from you as always. I thought perhaps others may have a different answer. No offense I hope. :)

Click the link above near the top of the page towards the left: 'Styling and Customization Questions'

Then of course at that page you will see:

Styling and Customization Questions

and underneath that:

Changing the topic header text size of the sibling node - this is what I would like for mine to look like, in the same area underneath the "title"

For example one of my titles looks slightly smaller than this:

Bill Clinton Tells DNC Hillary Is the 'Best Darn Change-Maker'

If the text size cannot be changed, could you guide me as to how to at least make the text bold like it is here at XenForo, in which I think this "Changing the topic header text size of the sibling" is a sibling node.

Please note with the other nodes, I already changed the text size and bold from the default, with no problem.

Thanks again!

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Actually, having read your post again, I think you're referring to the thread titles.

If so, you can target that using .forum_view .discussionListItem .title, for example:
.forum_view .discussionListItem .title
    font-size: 20px;
Actually, having read your post again, I think you're referring to the thread titles.

If so, you can target that using .forum_view .discussionListItem .title, for example:
.forum_view .discussionListItem .title
    font-size: 20px;

I got into this area in administration. I'd prefer not to mess with the basic "codes" of XenForo, changing the script in this manner, and possibly mess up the forum. I have no clue about changing codes and scripts, and have no desire to learn it.

Screenshots below in separate posts.

Thank you very much for the lightening fast replies. I'll play around with it over the weekend, since Paul said I can always revert.

I love XenForo, but it's surprising to me that a major component of the forum, the sibling nodes, the text size can't be changed in the same easy to change manner of the other node. Oh well, perhaps in a future upgrade?

It probably is easy to change, I'm just missing something. I mean, I have no idea what "using EXTRA.css or editing the CSS templates" means right now, but I'll figure it out...I hope - LOL

Thanks again!

See the guide I mentioned earlier for how to do stuff such as editing templates, etc. https://xenforo.com/community/resources/how-to.4390/update?update=15795

This one explains how to alter styling, specifically referencing EXTRA.css: https://xenforo.com/community/resources/how-to.4390/update?update=18504

I may as well have been the first person to open up King Tut's tomb, and try to read the hieroglyphics. LOL

I am 99% happy with Xenforo and I doubt if I will ever make another change on it, for a good while anyway, that I can't figure out. I've already spent much time in the administration area, and changing colors, etc, looks very easy to do.

Get me to 100% if we can. Please give me exact, and I mean exact instructions on what to cut and paste into that link area that you provided.

Also, I certainly don't want to have to change the text size for every thread title every time someone posts a new sibling node thread. If I set the sibling node thread titles to say 18 point in that EXTRA.css area, will each thread title from me and each member automatically go to 18 point each time?

Many thanks!

Trial and error is the best way! That's how I became a master of the style variables in vBulletin and then the style properties when we made the move to XenForo on January 1, 2014, as well as knowing how to inspect the elements and get the CSS I need for things that don't have style variables/properties.
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