XF 2.3 Changing text on upgrade confirmation screen


I'm trying to change the text that is displayed after a user purchases an upgrade.
Can't find the phrases in any template.

It's this screen... trying to change that "Thank you" text on the right.
It'll be thank_you_for_purchasing_this_upgrade, but there are others which may be relevant. You can search phrases:

View attachment 307673
Thanks for fast reply.
sorry, i'm not very experienced with all this...
The text I'm trying to change is the "when the payment has been approved, your account will be upgraded."
How do i change that text to something more descriptive. I can't find it anywhere via the "search templates" thing.
No worries. Nearly all of the prose you see in the interface is stored in phrases, rather than hard-coded in templates, so they can be customized and translated.

You may search phrases under Control panel > Appearance > Languages and phrases > Search phrases (admin.php?phrases/search).
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