RM 1.2 Changing size of main thumb in XFRM


Well-known member

Using XFRM as a replacement for vB DTO Vendor Tools and have revised some of the code...
Is there any way to automatically size the XFRM thumbnail to 128x128px without having a major headache doing it?
Or perhaps there's way to edit the code so that a larger size thumb is shown on the main XFRM page?
I'll appreciate any assistance. Thanks!

That resource icon looks larger than the default. The generated icon is 96x96, so 128x128 is bigger than the icon size itself. Changing this would require core code changes I believe. (And then CSS changes to ensure the correct size is used.)
Yes. I've edited the css so that the icon is a bit larger than the default size... I've since edited the .css to 96x96px and the image is soooo blurry. I just wonder if changing the size to 128x128 would produce a higher quality thumb. In fact - I'd like to edit the thumb so that it shows a 468x60px banner.

Can you tell me which files would need to be edited in order to accomplish such a feat?
Thanks @Mike!

You'd change the icon size via XenResource_Model_Resource::$iconSize . You'd likely also need to change any other size references in the CSS to suit.
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