XF 1.3 Changed Host


So I recently changed host and moved all files over.
However on the website now you can't go anywhere except being on the main portal and login to Admin Control Panel.

Link to site: http://factionacademy.com

I've moved the mysql over and everything should be as it used to.
Ive also changed domain if that has anything to do with it.
It used to be recklesspvp.com and now its factionacademy.com

Any help would be great (:
Disable Friendly URLs in the ACP and see if it works.

If it does then you have either not copied the hidden .htaccess file across or the new server isn't configured to support it.
Disable Friendly URLs in the ACP and see if it works.

If it does then you have either not copied the hidden .htaccess file across or the new server isn't configured to support it.
Yea well it worked disabling Friendly URLs, however now I have this index.php in every url.
And I don't see any difference in the .htaccess file located in the root of both servers.
Is there another one of the .htaccess files Ive missed?

Aswell as I currently have 2 Domainss directing to my server (on purpose because I have a MineCraft Server needing the Domains and the Website.
Would it be possible to disable one of the them so only Domain X would work to go on the side with? Because currently I can be on the website with both :P
I enabled it, and then I found the .htaccess file, it was there as it should and all..
But it still didnt work. So I deleted it and renamed the htaccess.txt to .htaccess but it still dosnt work

About my host, I use ovh - Do you know if that's a problem?
Did you do a new clean install of XenForo and import the database from old domain..?
Did you simply download your old install of XenForo and re-upload it with a database back up..?

Did you remember to change database name / user and password in the config.php file to reflect any changes from the old servers details...?
Did you do a new clean install of XenForo and import the database from old domain..?
Did you simply download your old install of XenForo and re-upload it with a database back up..?

Did you remember to change database name / user and password in the config.php file to reflect any changes from the old servers details...?
I simply sent all my old files over. I did also change the database name password etc. The website works fine, except the index.php thingy..

Question: Because of this index.php thing does my Users not receive Verification Emails? (Had a **** ton of questions about their email since I changed it)
Emails are dependent on the Board URL being correct.

As already stated, with regards to friendly URLs, you will have to contact your host for support if you don't know how to check the server configuration yourself, or don't have access.
View attachment 86563

Looking at your site and came over this on your Shop Page....

Does this message regarding MOJANG mean you have been hacked recently..?

Why would you think they were hacked? Simply it means the site is about MineCraft and not an official site. I'm sure the purchase statement is meaning they will not be able to help you as Mojang does not offer support for server shops, you need to contact the server you purchased the items, kits, vip etc from.
@Mike Edge , I had to ask considering I know diddly squat about MineCraft or any other online game for that matter... Got no interest in games, last time I played a game was on a Sinclair ZX Spectrum a zillion years ago.. lol

Just trying to narrow things down as I have never encountered the problem he seems to be having...
So yea been in contact with my host, they dont see any specific things to be able to fix this...

#    Mod_security can interfere with uploading of content such as attachments. If you
#    cannot attach files, remove the "#" from the lines below.
#<IfModule mod_security.c>
#    SecFilterEngine Off
#    SecFilterScanPOST Off

ErrorDocument 401 default
ErrorDocument 403 default
ErrorDocument 404 default
ErrorDocument 500 default

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On

    #    If you are having problems with the rewrite rules, remove the "#" from the
    #    line that begins "RewriteBase" below. You will also have to change the path
    #    of the rewrite to reflect the path to your XenForo installation.
    #RewriteBase /xenforo

    #    This line may be needed to enable WebDAV editing with PHP as a CGI.
    #RewriteRule .* - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization}]

    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [OR]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -l [OR]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d
    RewriteRule ^.*$ - [NC,L]
    RewriteRule ^(data/|js/|styles/|install/|favicon\.ico|crossdomain\.xml|robots\.txt) - [NC,L]
    RewriteRule ^.*$ index.php [NC,L]

There is my .htaccess file.. Idk what to do about this problem and its really frustrating..
I would suggest doing a clean install of XF to a new directory..add any addons that you have installed then re import the database to the clean install.. If that fails i will give you a hosting account on my host.. i know it works well...
Apparently you are running through CloudFlare. You need to make sure that all your settings are correct. Also, are you using nginx on your VPS? If so, .htaccess is not going to have ANY bearing on the rewrites as those have to be done in the vhost definition.
You say you use "OVH"? Is it a VPS or a dedicated server? Who set it up for you? That person would be the one most likely to be able to answer your questions and resolve your issues as they appear to be server related.
Main reason I say that is www.factionacademy.com gives you this

Screen Shot 2014-10-18 at 12.44.58 AM.webp

which indicates that your NS isn't set up to give the correct IP for the www.factionacademy.com but is for the non-www site. Whomever moved your site for you needs to update ALL the NS entries (specifically the one at CloudFlare that points - or actually doesn't point - the WWW aspect to the same IP as the non-WWW version). That is an easy mistake to make - but it makes me wonder about any others that were made in the move (especially if this was not a cPanel -> cPanel move).

With the mistakes I'm seeing just on that cursory look it leads me to believe their are more underlying mistakes that need to be corrected - which will need to be done by someone with shell access if on a VPS/dedicated server).
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Apparently you are running through CloudFlare. You need to make sure that all your settings are correct. Also, are you using nginx on your VPS? If so, .htaccess is not going to have ANY bearing on the rewrites as those have to be done in the vhost definition.
You say you use "OVH"? Is it a VPS or a dedicated server? Who set it up for you? That person would be the one most likely to be able to answer your questions and resolve your issues as they appear to be server related.
Main reason I say that is www.factionacademy.com gives you this

View attachment 86741

which indicates that your NS isn't set up to give the correct IP for the www.factionacademy.com but is for the non-www site. Whomever moved your site for you needs to update ALL the NS entries (specifically the one at CloudFlare that points - or actually doesn't point - the WWW aspect to the same IP as the non-WWW version). That is an easy mistake to make - but it makes me wonder about any others that were made in the move (especially if this was not a cPanel -> cPanel move).

With the mistakes I'm seeing just on that cursory look it leads me to believe their are more underlying mistakes that need to be corrected - which will need to be done by someone with shell access if on a VPS/dedicated server).
Yea I use CloudFlare, aswell as it is on a Dedicated Server. - A old friend set it up ages ago, but I moved it myself over to the new host. And yea we had a fight so he wouldn't want to help me look at this.

Aswell as about the NS part - Im not really sure what to do about it. I have access to all the domains and that but haven't really looked at the www. aspect of the domains etc before.
Any ideas / steps to do? :P

Yea I use CloudFlare, aswell as it is on a Dedicated Server. - A old friend set it up ages ago, but I moved it myself over to the new host. And yea we had a fight so he wouldn't want to help me look at this.
Yep, that's always a hazard of having a "friend" do it, as that can become an un-friend. :)
If it slows down for me, I'll drop you a conversation to get logon details and can take a look to see if it's something fairly easy to fix.
Aswell as about the NS part - Im not really sure what to do about it. I have access to all the domains and that but haven't really looked at the www. aspect of the domains etc before.
Any ideas / steps to do? :p
At cloudflare just create a cname entry in your DNS and point it at factionacademy.com
Yep, that's always a hazard of having a "friend" do it, as that can become an un-friend. :)
If it slows down for me, I'll drop you a conversation to get logon details and can take a look to see if it's something fairly easy to fix.

At cloudflare just create a cname entry in your DNS and point it at factionacademy.com
yea, thanks.
It isn't too big of a problem having the index.php in my urls. However I have gotten 2 main things that dosnt work for me at the moment. Not even sure if its related to the same issue.
But new players don't recieve their confirmation email and everyone get this

every time they try to change their avatar. These are really my only problems other then that Im not too bothered about the index.php thing :/
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