Change the color of the Alert Box?


Well-known member
I just uploaded this new skin and I'd like to change the color of the alert box since it is hard to read the text.

Can anyone help me?
This is what i mean....The very first Alert that has the Beige/grey color there.
I'd like to change it to how the other alerts look below it.
Not sure whether that is you hovering in the screenshot but both hovering and standard background colours should work below. Paste in your styles EXTRA.CSS template.

.navPopup .PopupItemLink  {background-color: #3c4550;}
.navPopup .PopupItemLinkActive:hover {background-color: #3c4550;}
Not sure whether that is you hovering in the screenshot but both hovering and standard background colours should work below. Paste in your styles EXTRA.CSS template.

.navPopup .PopupItemLink  {background-color: #3c4550;}
.navPopup .PopupItemLinkActive:hover {background-color: #3c4550;}
Hey Shelley,

That's was me hovering :) Your code worked, thanks!

Do you recommend that I make the New Alerts the same color as the old alerts or should they be different colors to differentiate between new and old ones?
(you know how in the screenshot the new alert was the grey/beige background and the others were the teal/grey one)
I implemented the code posted above and it's changed the middle of the alert popup box but not the sides of it. The dull gold color still appears on both sides. Any idea what that element's name might be? Should I be asking XenCrea?

Edit: Both OP and I are using the Space template.
That may be some custom CSS you have on your site or a modification to the specific style. The style author may be able to give further guidance.
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