XF 2.2 How to change color of the Plus and Minus symbols?

These symbols show up when doing things like making a Poll, or Mod actions, etc. Does anyone know how to change the text color of them? I cannot seem to find it. Thanks!
These symbols show up when doing things like making a Poll, or Mod actions, etc. Does anyone know how to change the text color of them? I cannot seem to find it. Thanks!
tracy does it on his astro site.
he posted a guide on another site on how he did it.
he said he used for up
.inputNumber-button--up::before {
    color: green;

and down
.inputNumber-button--down::before {
    color: #b80606;

xf poll.webpxf_plus_minus.webp

i do not know what mod actions you talk about so this may not work for them.
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