Jaxel Well-known member Apr 13, 2017 #1 Is there a way to change the majorsection to a page in the controller or view?
Chris D XenForo developer Staff member Apr 13, 2017 #2 Yep, we do this in various controllers in XF, for example setting "forums" to be the page section when you're viewing the "find-new/posts" page. In the Controller you can use: PHP: $this->_routeMatch->setSections('forums'); Where 'forums' is the desired section.
Yep, we do this in various controllers in XF, for example setting "forums" to be the page section when you're viewing the "find-new/posts" page. In the Controller you can use: PHP: $this->_routeMatch->setSections('forums'); Where 'forums' is the desired section.