Change Date

Change Date 1.8

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Hi Andy,

I have some problem here.

My Language Date Format is d-m-y.

When I go to Change Date:
- It appears like "18-02-08 02:51" (February 18 2008, 02:51).
- I change it to "19-02-08 02:51" (February 19 2008, 02:51). > Submit
- Post date is "08-02-19 02:51". (February 08 2019, 02:51).

If I want it to change it correctly I need to input "08-02-19 02:51" which is not my Date Format but y-m-d.
Dear Andy B, I have a problem when I change the date of a post.
Example, this is the text that appears in the box when I try to change the date of a post from 7-March-2013

7 dEurope/Amsterdam March dEurope/Amsterdam 2013 11:15 PM

problema change date.webp

My xenforo 1.4 profile is configured:
Hour (24 hours):
(UTC + 01:00) Central European Time
Date (Spanish european)
j \de F \de Y
Example: 10 de Mayo de 2014

Why I have this error?
How I can change the date?
Hi Andy,

would it be possible to have an option to select "today's date" ?
So that there is no need to manually enter a date, but to just display the date of "today" by clicking a checkbox ?
A question:

A member registers today.

A member posts.

I manually change the date of that post to be in 2012 (before the member's registration date).

Will things break?

Confirmed: doesn't break anything. Thanks Andy!
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Hi, Andy

i use xenporta, when i change date of the first post to current then the first post move below the oldest comment.

someone have same problem ?
That's the way it's supposed to work. When you change the date, it re-orders the posts in a thread so that the date are in order. So if you have a 10 post thread, and you make the first post the current date/time, it will show up as the most recent post (at the bottom of the thread)
Please add the option to advance dates of all posts in a thread by a duration. A check box selection will be great.

Wouldn't mind paying for such an addon.

Edit: Why I think this is useful?
Definitely useful for new forums. Most forums starting out have a problem with activity. If we are allowed to advance date on a mass level, it will allow us to make the topics/posts look more recent than they are.

Now I agree that some topics ought to have their actual date so users can judge their actual freshness, but there are plenty of evergreen topics where it is not really ethically wrong IMO to do so.
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1. Changing the date of posts is reflected in thread item lists but not in forum and category item lists. This does look like an oversight that should be fixed.

2. Looks like some parts of the database are not updated as "Newer Than" in Search is not affected by changes in post dates, i.e., Search behaves as if the dates had not been changed (though in fact they have been).
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Might require a search index rebuild after changing a lot of dates? When I used this to manually transition some posts after a conversion, I rebuilt the index but I didn't look before and after.
I can confirm that the dates in forum item lists do get updated by rebuilding forum data. That suggests that the add-on is likely to benefit from the changes similar to the ones recent made to Change Author (see this and the ensuing discussion).

How does one rebuild category data?

Search was successfully updated, too, by rebuilding Search Index which again suggests that the add-on is likely to benefit from the changes similar to the ones recently made to Change Author.
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Thanks, Andy!

I tested the update.

The forum item list updates successfully.

Search works, too. Great job!
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If this can be updated to have the ability to change review dates in RM, it would be awesome...
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