Category title links inacurate?

I've had it set to both of those before to no success. :-/

I just set it back to

no difference. I also have Jake's Route Changer installed not sure if that has any affect on it. :-/
It needs to be without the slash on the end.

I believe though I have also seen this caused by Jake's add on.

Are you using the XenPorta options to set the index controller?

If so disable them and add a line to the route changer:

index => forum
portal => index

I think that's correct... Essentially does the same as XenPorta but doesn't break category links. If you are still struggling. Jake probably knows the answer. Post in the route changer thread.
well yeah in order to get Xenporta to live at i had to use it. :-/ kinda stupid IMHO but no other way around it so, had no other choice.

Edit: Chris, yes I know that. I've done all that and still no change. I believe I already asked in Jake's thread but may have been overlooked. Will go back and see.
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