Category bar - description text


Well-known member
I would like the Category bar description text to continue on after the Category Title on the same line.
How please?

Also if the description text needed 2 lines it would have to do that.

From this -

to this:
Finally what is the name of this text to make it bigger in the Style Groups?
Admin CP -> Appearance -> Templates -> EXTRA.css

Add this code:

.nodeList .category .nodeDescription,
.nodeList .category .nodeTitle
	display: inline;

The font size is:

Admin CP -> Appearance -> Style Properties -> Forum / Node List -> Category Strip Description
Admin CP -> Appearance -> Templates -> EXTRA.css

Add this code:

.nodeList .category .nodeDescription,
.nodeList .category .nodeTitle
display: inline;

That's lovely Jake much neater.
It needs a space between the Title text and the description text - the description text butts right on the end of the Title.
Can I add something to the EXTRA.css code?
All looking gorgeous. Thank you Jake.

Any progress on how to display cat bars (with their colours for background, title; and logos - as titles for sections in a chunk of html?
Like in the sidebar where I have a table of sections with nav links. Or in the body of a Page as a section header?
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