Browser issue Can't Type in The Editor - Android 4.0


Well-known member
When using Android 4.0 with CyanogenMod 9, it's not possible to type text in the editor.

This happens in the Redactor demo too.

Here's the User Agent:
Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 4.0.4; en-us; GT-I9100 Build/IMM76L; CyanogenMod-9.0.0) AppleWebKit/534.30 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/534.30
Just to confirm, what about in TinyMCE?

The thing is, the support was actually added in Android 3. As such, I really don't see any reason for this to see in your version and I can't reproduce it in 4.1 (I don't have a 4.0 setup any more).
Is it really xenforos place to support 'hacked' custom android ROMs? You are not running an official android platform and you should expect bugs.... to be fair.
Just to confirm, what about in TinyMCE?

The thing is, the support was actually added in Android 3. As such, I really don't see any reason for this to see in your version and I can't reproduce it in 4.1 (I don't have a 4.0 setup any more).
Actually, in 1.1.3 I don't get TinyMCE, but the BBCode editor.

Is it really xenforos place to support 'hacked' custom android ROMs? You are not running an official android platform and you should expect bugs.... to be fair.
I'm not expecting anything, I was merely documenting this for future reference.
I meant TinyMCE here: Just looking at another rich text editor.

I suspect this is simply an issue with the custom ROM. Documentation points to contenteditable support in Android 3, so any ICS version should have it. (The behavior you're seeing is what happened in 2.3.) I don't know if there's any real way of detecting this case.
I meant TinyMCE here: Just looking at another rich text editor.

I suspect this is simply an issue with the custom ROM. Documentation points to contenteditable support in Android 3, so any ICS version should have it. (The behavior you're seeing is what happened in 2.3.) I don't know if there's any real way of detecting this case.
TinyMCE doesn't work either.

I guess it's an issue with CM9, though it's strange, as it's based on AOSP.
"Hacking" the OS really means adding customizations and doing a custom build. Nothing bad about it at all.

Having said that, @Lior. which browser are you using? I just installed ICS (4.0.4) on my old HTC Thunderbolt a few days ago, and just tried our 1.2 test forum. Both the default Android brower and Chrome can use the Redactor editor, but it is a bit laggy when entering text. Even though the phone is overclocked, it is still older, and the editor seems to add a little overhead. The Chrome browser is actually less laggy than the Android browser. Text takes a second to appear, and the editor takes maybe four to five seconds to activate (before it un-blurs and can accept text).

But, I can still type into it....
I think I'm just going to have to call this a "browser" bug. It's hard to say why this is the case with CM9 (especially given that it's based on AOSP).
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