Derrick Kyle LeBrocq
Greeting mates - I'm working with my friends over at AVermedia to help get their forums back up and running, and I'm getting 2 errors lately. They just kind of started out of the blue...
And the other one is basically the same except it's error "-1". They happen frequently. Like, within a couple weeks, there's a couple pages of this error.
I know what 28 typically means...a space issue in the tmp directory...but I checked's only at 4%. I have a cron that empties it..and I'm not out of disk space...can't be that...
I've done everything I could. Uninstalled/disabled addons, reverted templates etc. Nothing is working.
I'm lost here...
Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli_Exception: Mysqli statement execute error : Got error 28 from storage engine - library/Zend/Db/Statement/Mysqli.php:214
Generated By: Unknown Account, 2 minutes ago
And the other one is basically the same except it's error "-1". They happen frequently. Like, within a couple weeks, there's a couple pages of this error.
I know what 28 typically means...a space issue in the tmp directory...but I checked's only at 4%. I have a cron that empties it..and I'm not out of disk space...can't be that...
I've done everything I could. Uninstalled/disabled addons, reverted templates etc. Nothing is working.
I'm lost here...