XF 1.4 Can't change theme even as admin


Well-known member

I'm trying to choose another theme from my styles list but I can't cause I receive I popup message which tell me that I'm not able to choose other themes cause users can't change these ones.

I remember, I have removed the possibility to change theme for users and have removed this code from the template "footer" :

<xen:if is="{$canChangeStyle}">
<dt>{xen:phrase style}</dt>
<dd><a href="{xen:link 'misc/style', '', 'redirect={$requestPaths.requestUri}'}" class="OverlayTrigger Tooltip" title="{xen:phrase style_chooser}" rel="nofollow">{$visitorStyle.title}</a></dd>

However, why I can't change the theme by myself as admin to make test without applying this one to other people?

Thanks for your help.
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