XF 1.1 Can't cahnge the color of the read as


I have a problem, all securities that are found in white read this and we see more.
Do you have an idea of ​​where to go in order to change its color.
to know that I really tried everywhere, but not enough apparently.

i have changed the color in "list of discussions" "list of forum / elements"
In the extra.css with the code donate in the link http://xenforo.com/community/resources/apply-css-styling-to-sticky-threads.334/

And 0 result

Could you help me please ... Thank you in advance.
it's ok! I found the problem! I add this code in discution_list.css

/*----------------modifie topic epingler-----------*/
.discussionListItem.visible.sticky .posterAvatar,
.discussionListItem.visible.sticky .stats {
background: @inlineMod;
font-style: italic;
.discussionListItem.visible.sticky .title a:link,
.discussionListItem.visible.sticky .title a:visited {
color: #000;
.discussionListItem.visible.sticky .lastPostInfo .username {
color: #000;
/*----------------modifie titre forum vu-----------*/
.discussionListItem.visible .posterAvatar,
.discussionListItem.visible .stats {
background: #fff;
font-style: italic;
.discussionListItem.visible .title a:link,
.discussionListItem.visible .title a:visited {
color: #000;
.discussionListItem.visible .lastPostInfo .username {
color: #000;

and the résult
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