Thank you for the IP. Unfortunately it didn't lead to any answers. I've completely reset the caching service on this servers.
I found your ongoing support thread with Xenforo Here is the answer to a few of their questions.
We are not using APC/xCAche We have Nginx installed as a reverse proxy for Apache. You can bypass all the server side caching by appending the URL with ?nocache=1
for example
However this has not changed the behavior. I even disabled all server side caching all together and was receiving the same issue. This is because the 'New Posts' status is being cached by the browser. If you open the site using 'Private' or 'Incognito' mode you should notice that this issue is not happening at all. We have not made any recent changes or upgrades to the server recently that would effect this.
Could you provide this information to the Xenforo support and see what they have to say on the subject and see if they have any suggestions.