XF 1.4 Cannot log-in to cpanel and site has errors

3d Dental

Active member


Is this a server error?

mysql needs to be rebuilt, or what?

I am a novice for sure, so be easy on my please....

I get "Security error occurred. Please press back, refresh the page, and try again.", when I try to log-in as admin at cpanel.

Thank you.
You will need to contact your host for any issues related to cPanel.

If however you mean the ACP, this is typically due to a stale security token.
Close your sessions and open a new tab and attempt to log in again.
Thank you kind sir!

Here is screen-shot of error.....

Site is down for all members, and I cannot log-in as admin to the ACP. (I guess this stands for Admin Control Panel?)

Tried from home and from work on many various PCs.

Next idea??

OK, If I clear cookies, then I can see the forum if NOT logged-in as a registered member.

When I (or anyone for that matter) try to log in, then Security error pops-up.


Problem is not with my server or hosting package. Right?

Any suggestions please. Been this way for almost 20hrs now.

Thank you
No sir.

I called my hosting provider, NetworkSolutions.....they said no maintance yesterday and nothing changed on their end.

Been running fine for over a month since last add-on.....which was Country Flags.

I added that a month ago or more.
Your site works on www and none-www. Could it be an issue with this? Your initial link shows www , but your screen shots show you using the site without.
So, Country Flags is not stable as-is I guess?

I really like that Add-on!

Maybe they have fixed it with new version or ??

So, I disable, or uninstall that add-on?

What is best method for that please?

You can answer me in ticket, but maybe others would also like to hear about issues and the correct fix please...?
You will need to contact the developer for support with it.

Disabling it in the meantime may restore access and you can then remove the line from the library/config.php file to allow the other add-ons to work.
He is working on it.....

For quite a while.

Issues unknown...??

For now, add-on is disabled so site will run.

Mr. Brogan, thank you for your help!! :)

Got me going in the right direction and at least site is up!

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