XF 1.5 Cannot declare class XenForo_Autoloader


Active member
I'm receiving this error on the RC 2 of XF 1.5. Got it trying to upgrade my forum.

Fatal error: Cannot declare class XenForo_Autoloader, because the name is already in use in /home/nginx/domains/mydomain.com/public/library/XenForo/Autoloader.php on line 16

Fatal error: Cannot declare class XenForo_Autoloader, because the name is already in use in /home/nginx/domains/mydomain.com/public/library/XenForo/Autoloader.php on line 16

Help is appreciated. :)
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Have you modified your config.php at all from what was automatically generated initially? There can be problems caused by that.

Alternatively, there may be something unexpected happening with an opcode cache. If you have access, restart your PHP server (I'm guessing PHP-FPM).
Have you modified your config.php at all from what was automatically generated initially? There can be problems caused by that.

Alternatively, there may be something unexpected happening with an opcode cache. If you have access, restart your PHP server (I'm guessing PHP-FPM).
I decided to go ahead and use a backup. At the time of upgrading, I had my server running beta 3 of PHP7, so after I ran the backup, I down graded back to PHP 5.6.12 and it proceeded like a charm. Might not have been the issue, but that's the only thing different I did between the two times.
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